Welcome to my portfolio website! I'm Adriana Valdez, a media designer based in Vienna, Austria. While my primary focus lies in graphic design and illustration, I have also honed my skills in editing corporate videos and making simple animations.
In 2023, I completed my apprenticeship as a Media Expert, gaining hands-on experience in video editing, graphic design, and on-set production assistance at Frames Network and TV Salon.
Currently, I'm studying online Digital Illustration for Marketing, Publishing, and Art Dierction at the University of Trazos, further refining my skills and enhancing the value that illustration brings to graphic design.
I'm passionate about creating visually captivating designs, and I recently had the chance to explore various aspects of the editorial design world, including book cover and and the layout design. These experiences have not only fueled my love for visual storytelling but also enhanced my understanding and appreciation for editorial design and graphic design.
If you have any design needs or collaboration ideas, feel free to reach out.